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The Fall of Rock & Roll
Goran Gajić, Zoran Pezo...
Srđan Todorović, Velimir "Bata" Živojinović, Sonja Savić...
Omnibus film, consisting of three independent parts: in the first story, Koma, a failed rocker, wants to prove to his producer father that newly composed music could be better than his. He becomes a mysterious masked folk singer-known as Ninja. In the second, Dracula is killed... again. This time he does not dies oby way of a wooden stake, a silver bullet, or a cross. A blonde woman manages to deprive him of eternal life without the help of sunrise. The last story is about Eve and Djuro. She is creator, he is a musician. They live in a harmonious relationship, but a love letter brings division among them.
I: Mladić Koma je pokazao da sve bolje može da uradi od svog tate, makar pri tome morao da postane i "nindža". Ko mrzi narodnjake, naročito novokomponovane, otkriva se na kraju.
II: Drakula je opet nastradao. Međutim, ovoga puta glogov kolac, srebrni metak ili krst nisu mu došli glave. Jedna plavuša uspela je da ga reši večnog života (momačkog) i bez pomoći izlaska sunca.
III: Eva šije, Đura svira. Ono što im ne da mira je Pismo. Ne samo da se ne zna ko ga je napisao, već se ne zna ni kome je upućeno. Kada se sve sazna možda će sve biti kasno za Evu i Đuru.