Claim part background image


Civilisation - The Good News About the End of the World
Civilisation - The Good News About the End of the World
One Land, One Home
One Land, One Home
To Which We Belong
To Which We Belong
No island like home
No island like home
Czech Canada Narrates
Czech Canada Narrates
Bufo Alvarius - The Underground Secret
Bufo Alvarius - The Underground Secret
Welcome to Sodom
Welcome to Sodom
Thank You for the Rain
Thank You for the Rain
Tawai: A voice from the forest
Tawai: A voice from the forest
The Age of Stupid
The Age of Stupid
Choose film

Create a free account online
Tutorial how to register

Choose a film from a wide selection of releases

Pay one single all-inclusive fee
Tutorial how to buy a film

Create a free account online
Tutorial how to register

Choose a film from a wide selection of releases

Pay one single all-inclusive fee
Tutorial how to buy a film

Download film

Download the free Artinii Cinema Player

Internet connection required only to download your film

You're now ready to play your film offline

Download the free Artinii Cinema Player

Internet connection required only to download your film

You're now ready to play your film offline

Project film

Use any blank wall or surface or any size screen

Connect your computer to projector and a surround sound or speaker system

Launch Artinii Cinema Player and start the show

Use any blank wall or surface or any size screen

Connect your computer to projector and a surround sound or speaker system

Launch Artinii Cinema Player and start the show



CinemaAnywhere enables a shared community film experience as easy as 1 - 2 - 3.

audience image


Cinema Player

A unique player for public screenings. Screen your films in the highest quality and enjoy the easy to use interface . The player provides the highest level of security for the screenings and offers the possibility to create personal playlists. Download free of charge on Microsoft Store for Windows or on Apple Store for iOS.
Download for free
Download for free


Cinema Player

A unique player for public screenings. Screen your films in the highest quality and enjoy the easy to use interface . The player provides the highest level of security for the screenings and offers the possibility to create personal playlists. Download free of charge on Microsoft Store for Windows or on Apple Store for iOS.
Download for free

Why you need Artinii Cinema Player?

The proprietary ACP player is completely free and very easy to use. Any film delivered for public screenings can for security reasons only be screened using the Artinii Cinema Player. You can screen in superb quality with no special codecs required. There are two screens available in the player. One for the audience, one for you to control the player in the background. You can also play a film offline.

Download and install

After purchase a film download and install ACP to your computer

Log in

Log in to ACP with your CinemaAnywhere account

Film in Artinii Cinema Player

Download a purchased film to ACP

Start your cinema

Set up your cinema equipment and start screening


What are the benefits of buying film licenses on CinemaAnywhere?


How long does it take to get the licensed film through CinemaAnywhere?


Why is the Artinii Cinema Player essential?


Do you have another question?



What are the benefits of buying film licenses on CinemaAnywhere?


How long does it take to get the licensed film through CinemaAnywhere?


Why is the Artinii Cinema Player essential?


Do you have another question?
